My coding journey


My name is Kamila. Let me welcome you on my homepage

You will find here a handful of my notes.

I write mainly about programming (EN/PL) (Java, Python, Go, JavaScript), play with generative art using p5js and I'm an author and illustrator of my children's books.

Have fun!

Palettes - research notes

Generating a color palette While playing with p5.js I often stumble upon a problem of color palette choice. The colors that I use in my artictic/programming playground are (usually) randomly generated. Even though I’m familiar with practical superiority of HSL/HSB over RGB colorscpace and I seldom use RGB in my scripts, I haven’t tried to create a color palette algorithm myself. I’m sure there are many such algorithms. There are plenty of pages that allow the user to enter a color and they helpfully output a set of matching, somehow related colors that form some kind of a palette.

November art

At the end of November my whole familly (me included) got ill. Lots of coughing and sneezing, tons of medicines and headaches. Together with a very poor physical health I experienced also some time of intellectual “downtime” and my blog did not receive enough love from my side. Today I write about something that let me pick up the pieces and renew my creative and intelectual powers. Drawing course One day I took my pencil and - after usual, daily session of doodling monsters and cats for my daughter I decided to draw something else.

Postgres - dates

In this post I’m reading official PostgreSQL documentation related to date and time types, and taking notes. In case you know this stuff: nothing fancy here. However, if you need a refresher - then: go ahead and read, you’re welcome!

Gradle - notes

Notes about Gradle What should I know about Gradle? How to create a project with submodules? Or maybe: how to create simple project? Or how to use Gradle with Kotlin? Notes unordered This post is a set of very random notes, too chaotic to treat them as any valuable source of information. I write as I go through the Gradle documentation. Information you can find here may be not only random, but also factually incorrect.