My coding journey


My name is Kamila. Let me welcome you on my homepage

You will find here a handful of my notes.

I write mainly about programming (EN/PL) (Java, Python, Go, JavaScript), play with generative art using p5js and I'm an author and illustrator of my children's books.

Have fun!

Chat GPT

I registered in ChatGPT web page today. Here are my prompts and its responses. I’m not very creative, as you can see. Perhaps I don’t have enough faith in its capabilities to expect more than from a better search engine. Images in today’s blog post are generated using Generate blog post Generate blogpost about chat gpt written by a programmer about capabibities and risks related with AI usage when programming.

Dart for Java developers

Welcome in a new series of articles about Dart programming language. It is not a beginner tutorial. I focus mainly on features that may be surprising and/or interesting for a Java(Script) developer. Slides Slide notes are available here. The resources: Start with these:… (language overview) (write & run in online editor) (language specification page, current spec pdf: 2.10) (good practices) Basics … or look below: .dart file is a “module”.

Summaries of 2022 and predictions for 2023

Java predictions Predictions by authors of Java JVM Trends focus on faster adoption of new Java features and long-term releases frameworks (Helidon, Vert.x etx.) start providing Virtual Threads programming models, so the usage of this language/platform feature would grow native Java could become more visible due to Project Leyden (back to life in 2022) and focus on ease of use for Spring developers migration from MicroProfile Metrics to metrics and tracing by Micrometer.